Premium blend crafted specifically with Northern Cardinals, Grosbeaks & Redpolls in mind! Brilliance will attract the most colourful wild birds. Loaded with Black Oil Sunflower & Safflower, Brilliance will ensure visits from Cardinals.
Contains only the right ingredients to attract these desired birds:
Black Oil Sunflower seeds – one of the highest energy & most popular foods for wild birds
Safflower seeds – low mess seed (no shells) that is not attractive to nuisance birds or squirrels/chipmunks
Raisins, Cherries – dried fruit for fruit-loving wild birdsPeanuts – one of the highest energy & most popular foods for wild birds
Attracts: Northern Cardinals, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Evening Grosbeaks, Common Redpolls, Hairy Redpolls, Black-capped Chickadees, Dark-eyed Juncos, American Goldfinches, House Finches, Purple Finches, White-breasted Nuthatches, Red-breasted Nuthatches

Premium blend designed specifically with Jays in mind! Jays Blend will keep a variety of Jays from all regions in Canada coming back to your feeders.
Contains only the right ingredients to attract these desired birds:
Whole Corn – high energy food desired by Jay birds
Striped Sunflower – high energy seed desired by Jay birds
Black Oil Sunflower – high energy & popular seed for many wild birds
Peanuts – high energy & popular food for many wild birds
Attracts: Blue Jays, Steller’s Jays, Gray Jay/Canada Jays

Persistence is a premium blend crafted specifically with Fruit & Nut-loving Birds in mind!
Sunflower Kernel Chips – all the benefits of black oil sunflower without the shells and waste
Black Oil Sunflower – one of the most highly desired and popular seeds for wild birdsPeanuts – one of the most highly desired and popular grains for Nut-loving birds
Safflower – seed that attracts specific Nut-loving birds and does not attract nuisance birds or squirrels/chipmunks
Dried Raisins, Pineapple & Cranberries – to attract Fruit-loving birds
Walnuts – desired food for Nut-loving birds
Attracts: Downy Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, White-breasted Nuthatch, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Evening Grosbeak, Northern Flicker, Blue Jays, Steller’s Jays, Northern Cardinals

Premium blend designed specifically with Finches in mind!
Gold Standard is made only two ingredients wild finches love:
Nyjer – the most highly desired food for wild finches
Sunflower chips – all of the high energy benefits of black oil sunflower, without the shells & weeds – highly desired by wild finches
Attracts: American Goldfinches, Purple Finches, House Finches, Dark-eyed Juncos, Black-capped Chickadees, Common Redpolls, Pine Siskins, House Sparrows

Premium blend designed specifically with Songbirds in mind! Formulated with 15% sunflower chips, Sweet Songs is the ultimate songbird food.
Black Oil Sunflower – one of the most high energy and popular seeds for Songbirds
White & Red Millet – desired grains for small Songbirds and ground feeding birds
Sunflower Kernel Chips – all of the high energy benefits of sunflower without the shells and waste – great for small Songbirds
Nyjer – one of the most popular seeds for many small Songbirds
Safflower – desired seed for Songbirds (and not a desired seed for nuisance birds or squirrels/chipmunks)
Peanuts – one of the most high energy and popular seeds for several Songbirds
Attracts: American Goldfinches, Black-capped Chickadees, Dark-eyed Juncos, Purple Finches, House Finches, Common Redpolls, Pine Siskins, House Sparrows, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks

Premium blend designed specifically with gardeners in mind! Not a single ingredient in Pure will sprout or develop weeds in grass or flower beds.
Pure is made only with garden-friendly ingredients:
Sunflower Kernel Chips – all the benefits of high energy sunflower without the shells and mess
Hulled Millet – desired seed for wild birds without the shells and mess
Peanuts – high energy and highly desired food for wild birds that will not sprout or grow weeds
Raisins & Dried Cranberries – desired foods for fruit-loving birds that will not sprout or grow weeds
Attracts: Northern Flickers, Northern Cardinals, Black-capped Chickadees, House Sparrows, American Tree Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrow, Purple Finch, Mourning Doves

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! Give your backyard squirrels & chipmunks their own food source – so they don’t have to share with your birds!
Rascal is made only with squirrel-friendly ingredients:Whole Corn – high energy, highly desired food for squirrels & chipmunks
Black Oil Sunflower – high energy, highly desired food for squirrels & chipmunks
Striped Sunflower – high energy, highly desired food for squirrels & chipmunks
Peanuts in Shell – high energy, highly desired food for squirrels & chipmunks
Attracts: Squirrels (Red, Black & Grey), Chipmunks (Eastern & Western)

Birds go 'nutty' for Armstrong's Nutty Buffet!
Nutty Buffet is a unique blend, made exclusively of premium nuts, like cashews, walnuts, pecans and more. Blended to attract a variety of nut loving birds, including Nuthatches, Woodpeckers, Jays and more!
Containing a mixed bag of Armstrong's premium nut selection, each bag of Nutty Buffet can contain Peanuts and/or cashews, and/or walnuts, and/or pecans, and/or filberts, and/or almonds, and/or Brazil nuts.
Nutty Buffet is so good you'll want to keep it for yourself (but save it for the birds)